Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Caraher Family is Home

The new family has returned to their home. Two people went to the hospital but three are returning. Brooke is still recuperating and trying to settle into a routine. The routine of sleep 3 hours then feed 1 hour, then sleep 3 hours then feed 1 hour, etc. is not something that comes natural to her. It tires her out. Plus you know how she will dwell on figuring things out so she thinks she needs more water, or maybe more exercise, or etc.

We are trying to leave them alone as they try to get into a new rythm of family life. But it is hard to do. We call too much and ask if they need help. Joe is doing a great job of supporting Brooke during her adjustment to motherhood. He cooks, cleans, holds, rocks, changes (I think) the new addition. I have yet to change, I just assist in getting the stuff they need.

Joe has to start back to work Monday, 11/17 and Susan has a week of vacation left. So Susan will be with Brooke all day every day for the week, which is just breaking Susan's heart (oh right). After that Thanksgiving comes so Joe will be out for awhile which will be good.

If I'm nice they even let me hold him, if I'm real careful.

I have a little slide show of the new family below. It is such a heavy burden to have the cutest grandbaby in the world, but we will just have to grin and bare it. Actually, the grinning part is not that hard to do.
The best to all
Pops and MamaSue (Susan can't make her mind up, maybe we will take a vote)

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